New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: My Reddit account was banned after adding my subs to the protest

Tell HN: My Reddit account was banned after adding my subs to the protest
419 by goplayoutside | 167 comments on Hacker News.
As you may be aware, there is an upcoming protest[0] on June 12-14 where many subreddits[1] are going private for 48 hours in protest of reddit's API fee increase[2][3], which many expect will lead to the end of all third party apps. I moderate a few subreddits for a niche hobby, and decided to join the protest. We're fairly small, if non-negligible potatos: altogether, maybe 10k-15k active users on a busy day, but still want to show support. So, I commented to add the subs to the list[1] and made announcement posts based on the template[4] linked from r/modcoord. Several minutes later, the site logged me out. I received an email from reddit that said my account had been locked for "suspicious activity" and I would need to reset my password. The timing seemed curious, but as I was logged in over an Airbnb's wifi, I figured it could be legitimate. When I logged back in, I saw that all of the posts and comments I've made from this account had been deleted. The password reset requirement is understandable; the fact that the posts and comments were not restored, less so. Looks like it's finally time to encourage my community to move to another site. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.
