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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

New best story on Hacker News: “Play-to-Earn” and Bullshit Jobs

“Play-to-Earn” and Bullshit Jobs
685 by paulgb | 446 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Prince of Persia in JavaScript

Prince of Persia in JavaScript
676 by colinprince | 156 comments on Hacker News.

Monday, December 27, 2021

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How did my LastPass master password get leaked?

Ask HN: How did my LastPass master password get leaked?
614 by gregsadetsky | 326 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, I've just had a bizarre thing happen and wanted to see if the HN community could come up with some theories as to what happened. LastPass blocked a login attempt from Brazil (it wasn't me). According to an email I received from LastPass, this login was using the LastPass account's master password. The email doesn't look like it's a phishing attempt. What troubles me is that the master password was stored in a local encrypted KeePassX file. I can imagine that someone has my KeePassX file and the (completely different) password to this file. If that's the case, I'm in a world of hurt. But are there any other possibilities? Is the email from LastPass accurate i.e. was the login attempt actually using my master password? Is there some LastPass extension installed on some computer still having a valid auth token allowing them to login as me to LastPass..? I'm really confused, and scared. Thanks for your help. P.S. The LastPass account had 2FA set up, but I was able to simply remove it (since I didn't have access to the token anymore). That's scary too -- what's the point of a 2FA you can remove...?? --- Update: - the email was truly not phishing -- the same information regarding the login attempt appears in my LastPass dashboard. I also talked to LastPass support over the phone, and they confirmed seeing the same information. - There are 2 separate users in the thread below confirming that the same exact same thing happened to them, from the exact same IP range as me. Either the 3 of us had the same malware/Chrome extension or somehow had our master passwords compromised...? Or...? Is this a LastPass issue?

Sunday, December 26, 2021

New best story on Hacker News: A New Coefficient of Correlation

A New Coefficient of Correlation
561 by malshe | 141 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: All the giant companies used ffmpeg (2020)

Saturday, December 25, 2021

New best story on Hacker News: 25-Dec. Shout-out to everyone else at work

25-Dec. Shout-out to everyone else at work
581 by sandworm101 | 123 comments on Hacker News.
I made a similar post last year at this time and, again, I am in my office on Christmas morning. There are a few days every year that really show which jobs are vital and which can be left aside for a day. I started my car this morning (-32, -40 with wind chill). On my way to work I drove past a hospital and a care home, both were manned. The dairy farm had its lights on. A cop with his flashers drove past me on the way to some emergency. The macdonalds drive-through was open too. I had to be at work by 0600, but I was relieving someone who had been sitting in another office since 1800. On my computer were the same dozen emails I get every morning, each from someone else who drew the short straw. There aren't many of us on HN that work weekends let alone Christmas morning, but If you too are sitting in a dark office remember that all across the world are millions of other people working the truly important jobs.

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
607 by mattowen_uk | 171 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, my Christmas is solitary this year, no family or friends. I'm not even having a Christmas dinner. I'm not sad about this, though. It's just the way it is. What I wanted to say is, if you are in the same situation, you are not alone. So have a virtual hug from me.

via Blogger
December 25, 2021 at 08:05PM
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December 25, 2021 at 08:05PM
via Blogger
December 25, 2021 at 08:05PM

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
607 by mattowen_uk | 171 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, my Christmas is solitary this year, no family or friends. I'm not even having a Christmas dinner. I'm not sad about this, though. It's just the way it is. What I wanted to say is, if you are in the same situation, you are not alone. So have a virtual hug from me.

via Blogger
December 25, 2021 at 08:05PM
via Blogger
December 25, 2021 at 08:05PM

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
607 by mattowen_uk | 171 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, my Christmas is solitary this year, no family or friends. I'm not even having a Christmas dinner. I'm not sad about this, though. It's just the way it is. What I wanted to say is, if you are in the same situation, you are not alone. So have a virtual hug from me.

via Blogger
December 25, 2021 at 08:05PM

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas

Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas
607 by mattowen_uk | 171 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, my Christmas is solitary this year, no family or friends. I'm not even having a Christmas dinner. I'm not sad about this, though. It's just the way it is. What I wanted to say is, if you are in the same situation, you are not alone. So have a virtual hug from me.

Friday, December 24, 2021

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
568 by folli | 604 comments on Hacker News.
It seems this question hasn't been asked for some time, so I'd be interested hear what new (and old) ideas have come up.

via Blogger
December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM
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December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM
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December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM
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December 24, 2021 at 08:10PM

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
568 by folli | 604 comments on Hacker News.
It seems this question hasn't been asked for some time, so I'd be interested hear what new (and old) ideas have come up.

via Blogger
December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM
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December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM
via Blogger
December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
568 by folli | 604 comments on Hacker News.
It seems this question hasn't been asked for some time, so I'd be interested hear what new (and old) ideas have come up.

via Blogger
December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM
via Blogger
December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
568 by folli | 604 comments on Hacker News.
It seems this question hasn't been asked for some time, so I'd be interested hear what new (and old) ideas have come up.

via Blogger
December 24, 2021 at 08:05PM

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell
568 by folli | 604 comments on Hacker News.
It seems this question hasn't been asked for some time, so I'd be interested hear what new (and old) ideas have come up.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again

New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
AWS appears to be down again
595 by riknox | 438 comments on Hacker News.
Console is flickering between "website is unavailable" and being up for my team. This is happening very frequently just now, reliability seems to have taken a hit.

via Blogger
December 22, 2021 at 10:05PM
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December 22, 2021 at 10:05PM
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December 22, 2021 at 11:10PM
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December 22, 2021 at 11:10PM
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December 23, 2021 at 02:10AM
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December 23, 2021 at 05:10AM
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December 23, 2021 at 08:10AM
via Blogger
December 23, 2021 at 08:10AM

New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again

New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
New best story on Hacker News: AWS appears to be down again
AWS appears to be down again
595 by riknox | 438 comments on Hacker News.
Console is flickering between "website is unavailable" and being up for my team. This is happening very frequently just now, reliability seems to have taken a hit.

via Blogger
December 22, 2021 at 10:05PM
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December 22, 2021 at 10:05PM
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December 22, 2021 at 11:10PM
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December 22, 2021 at 11:10PM
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December 23, 2021 at 02:10AM
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December 23, 2021 at 05:10AM
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December 23, 2021 at 08:10AM