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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Friday, May 27, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Broadcom to acquire VMware for $61B

Broadcom to acquire VMware for $61B
547 by squidofbits | 362 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Show HN: I turned my face rec system into a video codec

Show HN: I turned my face rec system into a video codec
485 by jacobgorm | 138 comments on Hacker News.
Before the pandemic, my tiny startup was doing quite well selling Edge AI systems, based on our own lightweight AI inference engine, with object detection and face recognition for smart city and smart retail & food service applications. When the real world shut down, there was suddenly nothing to monitor on streets and in restaurants, so I set out to try and evolve our real time face recognition system into a video codec for high quality face-to-face online interactions, as I was not satisfied with the quality of Zoom and friends. I got it to work, and the first release for IOS was just approved on Apple's app store, link: The way it works is that you create a meeting URL, which you can share out-of-band, for instance via slack or text message. You can also share as a QR code which the app can scan to join a call. You then place your device on a surface in front of you so that the front camera can see you, and it will recognize you face and assign you to your own session, which is broadcast to the meeting channel. If more than one person is in view, both of you will be broadcast but with separate session ids, like if you were on separate cameras. Other meeting participants will show up on your screen and you can start talking. It is optimized for eye contact, meaning that the eyes will actually make it through to the other side as more than just dark pixel clouds, so thinks should feel a bit more personal than the standard Zoom/Teams/or Google Meet call. Because it uses face rec, you can ONLY show your face, and if you disappear from view your audio will stop after a while, to avoid situations like when you need to go the the restroom but forget to mute. This also solves dick-pics etc. The CODEC is not based on H26[45], but is pure AI that runs on the GPU. There is a neural network that compresses the video in real time, and another one decompressing on the receiving end. Finding a tight network architecture that would do this in real time with acceptable quality was a major part of the effort. There are several quality settings possible, but right now it is set fairly high and for 20FPS maxes out around 700kbit/s, though typically uses about half. I've demonstrated good results down to around 200kbit/s, so in theory it should work over satellite links or even Bluetooth. The protocol is UDP with no congestion control but with (Wirehair) FEC to protect against mild packet loss, future versions will detect packet loss and adapt to available bandwidth. The audio just uses OPUS and may click a little bit, I blame AudioEngine or the fact that the last time I wrote audio code was for the game I published for the Amiga in 1994. If you don't have a friend around or multiple devices to play with, there is an "echo test" server mode that allows you to be in a meeting with yourself. Traffic will be peer-to-peer if possible, but otherwise you will be relaying through my tiny Raspberry PI server, so YMMV. I plan to try to switch to something like soon to improve scalability. There is also a MacOS version coming very soon, and the underlying AI engine also runs on Windows & Linux. Android support is planned. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: SQLite 3 Fiddle

SQLite 3 Fiddle
548 by sgbeal | 90 comments on Hacker News.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: I made $1000 with my app and now making $500/mo

Tell HN: I made $1000 with my app and now making $500/mo
451 by strongpigeon | 141 comments on Hacker News.
Edit: Wow #1 on HN. Y'all are making my day. Hey HN, I'm mostly a lurker on HN who's always super inspired by other people's small project that end-up making money. (Huge fan of Ben Stoke's Tiny Project [0]) After being burnt-out in big tech, I decided to write my own weightlifting app and set myself a humble goal of reaching $1000 in total proceeds. See [1] for my initial launch post. I've now surpassed that goal and am now making about 500$/mo by selling premium features in the app. Android version is coming soon too. Doing the whole thing end-to-end (code, launch, marketing, support) was super gratifying and taught me a whole lot. I have to admit that I got almost teary eyed the first time someone bought one of my IAPs. I'm not making a killing out of the app, and that was never the goal. But the personal satisfaction I got out of it was worth everything. I can't pretend to have derived any life lesson that applies to everybody from this, but this whole mini-journey was worth it for me, and I hope it will be for you too, should you embark in a similar one. [0] [1]

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What game do you wish existed?

Ask HN: What game do you wish existed?
438 by jharohit | 1198 comments on Hacker News.
I have usually kept a short list of games that would be fun if they existed. Long ago one my bullets in the list was a procedurally generated planet-sized planet with a full diaspora to explore. No Man's Sky fulfilled that for me. What are some games that you wish existed?

New best story on Hacker News: Cat S22 Flip Phone

Cat S22 Flip Phone
520 by enthdegree | 271 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Starlink for RVs

Starlink for RVs
513 by kristianpaul | 490 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Finland’s Green Party endorses nuclear power

Finland’s Green Party endorses nuclear power
433 by robin_reala | 282 comments on Hacker News.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Keep the web free, say no to Web3 (2021)

Keep the web free, say no to Web3 (2021)
533 by memorable | 382 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: How This Ends

How This Ends
468 by imartin2k | 667 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Imagen, a text-to-image diffusion model

Imagen, a text-to-image diffusion model
736 by keveman | 513 comments on Hacker News.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Lotus 1-2-3 For Linux

Lotus 1-2-3 For Linux
651 by taviso | 74 comments on Hacker News.

Friday, May 20, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: 9-Euro-Ticket

597 by _Microft | 430 comments on Hacker News.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Vangelis has died

Vangelis has died
517 by Saint_Genet | 121 comments on Hacker News.