This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Monday, July 11, 2022

How To Hack Instagram Account In 2022 || All Methods

 For whatever reason, there are always people who want to hack social media accounts. || Hack Instagram Account


Instagram is one of the most popular social media in the world. If you are looking for hacking methods for Instagram then you are on the right page.



But before I share working methods I want to discuss website claiming they can hack any account within seconds.

hack instagram || Hack Instagram Account

These type of websites doesn’t work. In the end, you have to complete a survey, where you will get nothing.

Instagram puts billions of dollars on security these simply can’t hack within seconds.


How To Hack Instagram Account

The only way to hack any account is to make your victim fool with some technical skills.

For example, providing them a fake login page that will look like a real Instagram login page. On login, you will receive the password & the victim will redirect to the original website.

These are the working methods to hack Instagram

Table Of Contents
  • Keylogger
  • Phishing Attack
    • How To Create Phishing Page
      • Firebase Accontbot Setup
      • Changing Code
      • Uploading
  • Social Engineering
  • By Hacking Facebook Account
  • By Creating Fake Login App
  • Wrapping It


This is the most underrated method to hack accounts. Basically, a keylogger is a software or app for smartphones that can record every typed word by the victim.

The biggest problem is you have to install a keylogger on the victim device.

On the internet, you can find both free and paid keyloggers. If you are looking for a free keylogger then try Smart Keylogger.

Here are the list of other keylogger apps. Keep in mind, you have to access the device again to view the data.

There are paid keyloggers available in the market. Once you install them on the victim’s phone you can receive all typed keyword data on your smartphone or any other device.

However watch is one of these kind of keylogger that you can try.

It is available for mac/windows & android phones. I tried on an android phone, it is undetectable.

But the installation part is complicated especially if you are a non-techy person. Here is a step by step article about how to install hoverwatch on an android smartphone.

How to Protect

  1. Computer users always keep machine up to date.
  2. Apply step 2 verfication on your accounts

Phishing Attack

In the phishing method, you create a website that looks similar to the original Instagram website. However when victims login with their username & password. He will be redirected to the original site and you will receive login details. Check the following screenshot.

instagram phishing page || Hack Instagram Account

As you can see in the URL it is different than Instagram. Now don’t worry if you don’t know programming, I will show you step by step tutorial on how to create phishing page. || Hack Instagram Account

How To Create Phishing Page

Creating a phishing page is easy. But making an undetectable page is difficult. Free hosting continuously banning phishing websites, Browser also starts warning the users.

But still, even after these hurdles, you can create working phishing. In fact, I did it, It will just take some extra work. Here are the things that you need to create an Instagram phishing page.

  1. Phishing script: Download Here
  2. Firebase Account: Create a Firebase account & Setup a Project as well, Learn here
  3. Free Hosting: Sign Up for 000webhost.

Here are the steps that you need following after doing above three things.

Firebase Accontbot Setup
  1. First of all, you need to create a firebase account. This is where the username & password will be saved. Visit on your phone. It will show you something similar to the following page. Click on get started button.
Instagram phishing firebase || Hack Instagram Account

It will open a new page where again you need to click on the create project.

 Hack Instagram Account
  1. Type your project name (type anything it doesn’t matter) and click on the continue button.
Hack Instagram Account
  1. On the next page, turn off the Google analytics report and click Create Project button.
  2. It will start creating your project, once done you will see something similar to the following page. Here click on the continue button. || Hack Instagram Account
Hack Instagram Account
  1. On the next page, You will see the Dashboard of the firebase project. Click on the gear icon and then select Project settings.
  2. After that click the request desktop site from the 3 dot menu. It will show you something similar to the following page. You need to click on the Code icon as shown in the screenshot.
Instagram phishing page || Hack Instagram Account
  1. This will take you to a new window where you need to type the app name. On Clicking Register Button, will show you a firebase code. || Hack Instagram Account
  2. As shown in the screenshot, copy the code starting from var= to (firebaseConfig);
copy Code | Hack Instagram Account
  1. Save these Codes In the notes app you need it later on.
  2. Here in the firebase click on go to console button then Chose the Real-Time database from the left sidebar. Then click on the Create Database button. You’ll be prompted to choose a test or locked Mode. Select the test code and click on Enable button.
Instagram phishing page | Hack Instagram Account
  1. Now Go to Rules & Change both read & write to true
Instagram phishing page | Hack Instagram Account
Changing Code
  1. I assume you have download the phishing script. If you haven’t here the link once again. This script is in a zip folder when you tap on it, it will show you the extract option. Make you extract it.
  2. You will get 3 things, the first one is the index.htm file & the 2 folders. Now Open the index.htm using any text editor such as notepad. Android users can use the HTML Editor.
  3. Scroll Down until you did not find firebase settings as shown in the screenshot. If you are an android user and using the above app then you will find code in the 459 line as shown in the screenshot. ||
Hack Instagram Account
  1. Change these codes that you have copied in the 8th step of Firebase Settings
  2. Save the File
  3. Go back to file manager and select all extracted items (index.html file and 2 folders) then compress as shown in the screenshot.
Hack Instagram Account
  1. Now login to your 000webhosting account. After that find the File Manager.
  2. Open it & go to public_html folder. Upload the Zip Folder. The following screenshot describes how to upload a zip folder
Hack Instagram Account
  1. After uploading, Select the file and select the Extract icon. It will prompt you to the location. Type . (Dot)
Instagram phishing | Hack Instagram Account
  1. Now Go back to My Sites, open site URL. It will show you something like this
Instagram phishing page | Hack Instagram Account
  1. Login with any account to check your account.

In the Firebase→Realtime Database, you will get your login details as you can see in the screenshot.

If you didn’t receive anything probably you haven’t change the code successfully. || Hack Instagram Account

Creating a phishing page is a different thing but the convincing victim is totally different concept. On this page, I write down Earn RS 100 as you can see in the screenshot. So you can use say something like I will get free recharge. || Hack Instagram Account

How to Protect yourself

  1. Always check URL before login
  2. Do not Open Any link from unknown source

Social Engineering

Social Engineering nothing just guess the password. But the above methods you can also social engineering. To Convince victim for login into the fake page, installing a keylogger, etc.

A lot of people set a password use the name of dad/mom with a mixture of some other characters.

Some people use the same password for every account. So if you can get password of other account then you might get their instagram account.

How to Protect your account

Use a Strong Password. Here is my recipe to create a strong password. Think about a sentence in mind, anything. For this example let’s use the following one.

Tinku was Our First Dog.

Now Pick first character of every word. It will look something like this


Last but least add some special characters to it.


I have picked 098 special characters so I can remember. Now you have a strong password.

By Hacking Facebook Account

A lot of people use login with facebook to access instagram account.

You can use the above mentioned methods to hack fb account.

Before you send the Instagram phishing page make sure you find out how your victim access Instagram account.

By Creating Fake Login App

A lot of users browse insta by the android app. If you have app development knowledge then you can use create a fake Instagram app.

Here I what I did to hack account.

  1. Get phone to browse Instagram
  2. Uninstall original app
  3. Installed Fake App

In the fake app when my victim tried to login into his account. App Show an error

Something is wrong, Please uninstall current version & install latest version from play store.

In the backend, it forward me his username & password. To create fake either you can spend 2-3 months in app development or hire a app developer from fiverr.

How to Protect yourself

  1. Apply step-2 verification on your account

Wrapping It

No matter how secure the internet become there will be always some ways to hack it.

If you have any question/query or feedback let us know by the comment section. rat 888 free Download


How to use an Instagram account hacker in 2021

Social media plays a major role in this technical world. One such popular social media is Instagram. Instagram provides a huge digital platform for all kinds of people to share their thoughts, ideas, videos, and photos to their nearer and far people. Instagram just requires an email id and a strong password to access the Instagram account. It makes the people’s life easier to access freely and to celebrate their life. virtual times revolutionized times muthiyah instant risk

Instagram passwords are unique for an individual. Every password will be different for the account holders. It is not easy for others to get into your account to access your pages. Do you wonder what will you do when your account gets locked or unfortunately you forgot the password or when you lost the phone? Sometimes you need to access your kids or spouse account, whatever be the reason, when there is no chance of access your profile without the account details like username or password what will you do? limited banking ips

Here are some tips to hack the Instagram account thereby helping you to access your profile most importantly without your login information. offer days

The content disclosed here is to be used ethically. We are strongly against the misuse of information and gaining unauthorized access to the account. It is illegal to access the information of other people‘s accounts using the content posted in this article.

Reasons you might wan tto hack an Instagram account

Hacking the Instagram account should have a valid reason like for your use when you cannot access your profile or at the time of requisition from the other person to break into their profile. Other than gaining access to other accounts are meant to be an illegal and unethical way of hacking. knowing physical

US Federal government proposed a strict order for the people who are breaching the ethical hacking rules. If there is any proscribed shown, then it leads to sentence or penalty depending on the issue thrown by the person.

The top 3 ways to hack an Instagram account

Let’s get into the top 3 methods to hacking the Instagram password which are the working methods of 2021.

Brute forcing attack

  1. The brute force method is often used to hack the account. It involves trial and error based hacking. It is a simpler method to get the right information of account users. It is a very effective method as it collects data from the ads posted in your profile or using malware to hack the account. The brute force method is also depending on how strong the password created by the user.
  2. There is multiple brute force app available online which supports you to gain the access of your profile or requested profile. Some of them are:
  3. InstaPwn: The website enables the user to use the service on the go. It automatically updates the password combinations and also helps the users to back up their photos and videos safely and securely. It also cleans your browser from cookies.
  4. InstaEntry: The website is specially designed software for the Instagram app. It has an upgraded algorithm that provides greater support to crack the password running through all sorts of combinations.
  5. InstaRipper: The app can be downloaded from the play store. It is a user-friendly app. You just enter the id which you need to crack; the app will automatically start booting for the combination of passwords.

Phishing the account credentials

  1. The phishing page is one of the oldest methods of cracking passwords. It is also a popular working method that helps to create a fake login page of Instagram, thereby getting the information from the account holder directly using their email id. This page can be used by whosoever wants to use the account. It works like the user will receive an email saying “change password” and by then the user fills in the details which enable the hacker to get the information of the instagramer easily.
  2. Another phishing page method is that creating a fake third party application through which the hacking happens by asking the account holder to manage the accounts. So, to use this method, it is enough to have little knowledge for the hacker to crack the password by creating a phishing page with a web host account. It is the cheapest method of hacking.

Social engineering / guessing the password

  1. The next hacking method is social engineering. It is one of the direct hacking techniques to crack the password. If the user is a known person of the hacker then, the hacker could use a direct guessing the password method like name of the favorite person, pet name, house number, birth date, and other possibilities to hack the password of the account holder. methods

The other methods of hacking the Instagram passwords are: target

  • Rainbow table attack: Here the hackers collect all the possible password combinations in the form of hash. Now their work is to compare the targeted password with the collected hashed passwords. keylogger
  • Keyloggers: It is one of the oldest hacking techniques to crack passwords. Here the hackers record the keystrokes used by the user and are sent back to the third party, from there the hackers easily guess the password. code

Wrapping it all up

There are numerous hacking tools available over the internet. It is very easy for hackers to crack passwords with advanced technologies. The only thing you need to consider is the right techniques and information about the account holder. This ease the work of the hacker but it should be of ethical purpose. Illegal hacking will leads to stiff penalties and a jail sentence. eye

The account holder should be very careful in creating passwords. The hackers are left disappointed when the user uses a strong password which should not be guessed by others. With all mentioned above information about password hacking, the user should be aware of cyber security. They should be careful in disclosing personal information over the internet and also in the social media apps.

Top Instagram Hacks


Do you Want to Hack Instagram account / Instagram ID? Are you frustrated searching on the internet for How to hack Instagram ID and Password? Are You Searching For Instagram Hacker Tool 2020? Then you Have Came to Right PlaceHere you Will Understand about Instagram Hacking, How to Hack Instagram Account and Passwords, and You will Also Get to Know About Instagram Hacker Tool. These Days Instagram Has Updated It’s Security Policies, But there are Still digit advent

When we think about IG Hacks we think it’s very difficult or it’s very easy doesn’t matter what you think. It is always very difficult and very easy to hacking account or any social media account means it depends on the account holder. space sending

Actually in this process doesn’t require a high level of hacking, you just need to follow the process of what we teach or tell you to hack Instagram account. We do not directly do Instagram hacking like a pro hacker but following things can help you to hack instagram account.

Many ways through which you can Easily Hack anyone’s Instagram ID and Password, So lets Discuss in brief about Instagram Hacking.

Instagram is one of the biggest Platforms for Photo And Video Sharing. Over 95 M Photos and Video are Shared on this platform every day. Many People had created their ID on Instagram and Share their Daily life photos and videos on it.

Also Read: How to Hack Facebook Account new technique and How to Hack Whatsapp

Table of Contents


Ways To Hack Instagram Account

Phishing for Instagram

How To Hack Instagram Account 2022

Phishing Is on the popular attack performed on every social media and daily thousands of Instagram Ids and accounts are hacked. The attacker uses a fake Clone web Page of Instagram login and sends it to the victim, as soon as victim login to Instagram gram thought that clone webPage attacker gets all his confidential information including Instagram Id and Instagram Password after that attacker Get full Access to than Instagram Account.

There are Several Ways to perform Phishing Attack to Hack Instagram Account

ShadowWave to Hack Instagram Account

Hack Instagram Account 2022

ShadowWave is a website Which provides you Prebuild Phishing Page for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media Network. This website Was created in 2014 in order to give the prebuild phishing page of Social Network. ShadowWave made Facebook hacking very easy and now It’s time to hack Instagram account.

Follow the process to create a Phishing page for Instagram on ShadowWave.

  1. Register on ShadowWave
  2. Select Instagram in Order to create Phishing Page
  3. Full fill the Requirements for a fake profile
  4. Accept all the Terms and Conditions
  5. Create the Page
  6. Copy the link URL and send it to Victim

Now, here Comes the Role of Social Engineering. You have to convince the victim anyhow to click on that link in order to fill up the Instagram Login Page. AS soon he submits his Instagram login ID and Password You will get his ID and Password in Victim Section on ShadowWave.

Also Read:  How to Get Verified Badge On Instagram

Linux Tools to Hack Instagram Account

Kali Linux and Parrot OS are widely used operating systems by Hackers and they even come with many Prebuild tools for hacking. There are many numbers of Phishing tools available on the internet. These tools use your own system as a server to store Instagram Id and Password. The Phishing Link Generated by these tools only works until your terminal is open If you close your terminal Your stored Id and Password may be lost. You can download these tools Easly from Github and follow the installation process given at the bottom of the tool Description. These tools are mainly based on Python language. The list of Github Phissing tolls is given below.

  1. Hidden Eye
  2. Social fish
  3. Shellfish
  4. Spearfish
  5. Black Eye

Man in the Middle Attack (MITM) to Hack Instagram Account

Man in the Middle attack is one of the attacks commonly used by every Hacker. You can use MITM in order to Hack Instagram Account and collect ID and Password of Instagram User.

To do this attack Attackers and Instagram User Should have to be in the same network. Now as both Attacker and Instagram victim is connected to the same network, the Attacker will start scanning the network. An attacker can use many tools like arp Poisoning or Can Run Wireshark tool in order to capture the Packet.

This attack can also be done by creating Fake clone wifi as of original. AS the user comes to login to wifi his/her all traffic will be redirected from attacker fake access point. For Example: if A user login Instagram through ID and Password, the Attacker will get the full list of id and Password Easily. Listed Below a video will easily let you understand about MITM Instagram.

Hacking Instagram with SPY Tools

There are different spy tools also available on Internet that we can use to hack instagram account and password. These tools are most often use for both social site hacking as well for phone and PC hacking as well. By using the Spy tools, the hacker actually install the spyware tool in the victim’s phone and thus can gain the access of each and every activity of the victim. If you too would like to use the spy tools to hack the instagram account, than you too can choose different spy tools available on the internet. Here in this article also, we are also discussing below some of the popular spy tools that you can use.

Also Read: How to Hack Wifi and PUBG Mobile Hack

Hacking Instagram Account using Xnspy

Hack Instagram 2022

XNSPY is one of the popular tools that most of the hackers are using to spy android phone. This tool has specific in-built spy instagram tool as well which is quite useful for instagram hacking. Different users are also using this tool for monitoring their instagram account as well. The tool is also useful to monitor the activities of your children or even of your employees. You can get complete access of the victim’s mobile phone using this spy tool such as photos, messages, instagram app etc.

Also Read:  How to View Expired Stories on Instagram

Different Steps Involved to Hack Instagram Account with XNSPY

Step 1 – First, you need to subscribe with XNSPY tool on your device as well on the victim’s device also.

Step 2 – If you are an Apple user, you can configure iCloud backup.

Step 3 – Now, you need to wait for 48 hours to properly configure the app. After the configuration, you can transfer the data from the target device to your own XNSPY dashboard.

Step 4 – To get the information about the target device, you need to login to your XNSPY account.

Step 5 – Go to Dashboard.

Step 6 – Visit “Photos.”

Step 7 – Click “search.”

Step 8 – Select “Instagram

Step 9 – Select timeframe – ‘Today,’ ‘This Month,’ ‘This year’ or ‘All.’

Step 10 – Click “search.”

XNSPY is quite fruitful app and even the parents can watch their kids for all their social activities.

How to Hack Instagram Account using Spyhuman

Instagram phishing page 2022

Spyhuman tool is another effective tool for instagram hacking. As per one of the surveys, most of users on instagram are teenagers and they keep posting different photos, selfies or other sort of things such friend’s birthday, wedding party photos and so on. With the help of Spyhuman tool, you can easily access to all those photos of instagram of others. Apart from it, there are several other uses of spyhuman tool as follows:

  • SMS and Whatsapp messages Tracking, GPS Tracking, Call recording, Social media accounts tracking and so on.
  • You can access spyhuman from anywhere in the world online.
  • It is compatible with android devices
  • 24/7 Support.

How to Hack Instagram Account Using MSPY

Instagram phishing 2022

If you don’t want to use the above spyware for Instagram account hacking then mspy would be one of the best alternatives available in the market this spyware has got many features as like other spyware. You just need to install this spyware on your victim’s phone and there you go. mspy will make Instagram much easier for you so if you don’t want to get into so much technical thing then you can choose mspy. There are some common features offered by MSP:-

  • View all text messages (sent/received)Read all sent and received text messages sent in Instagram direct
  • Look through shared links and textsView all links shared in Instagram direct messages

Hacking Instagram Account with Keyloggers

Keyloggers are one of the best tools often used by every hacker. These are software that is built in order to record keystrokes of PC / Laptop / Mobile. There are many keyloggers available in the market and you can easily use them in order to hack Instagram Account. Just install any of the keyloggers in your victim’s device and as soon as he gets logged in to his/ her Instagram account you will get the list of ID and Passwords. You can even use these keyloggers in order to get the list of Id and Password of other Social Media Networks. There are mainly two types of key Loggers:-

Software-Based Keylogger:- It’s a Computer Program which is made to monitor all of the keystrokes. It’s designed in a way, without the knowledge of your victim it is installed on your victim system and then you can monitor all the keystrokes. It is able to bypass small firewalls and antiviruses.

Also Read:  Hiding Stuff behind another media : 

Hardware-Based Keyloggers:- These key loggers are directly pluggen into Physical Devices Like CPU / Laptop which records Every Keystroke Ented By Victim including his/her Instagram Id and Passwords

Hacking Instagram by Social Engineering

Hacking Instagram Through Password guessing

Many people keep their Instagram password very simple and that can be guessed very easily. listed below are some of the common Instagram passwords.

  • 123456
  • 12345678
  • Password
  • 12345
  • qwerty
  • letmein
  • 123456789
  • Football
  • 1234567
  • Admin
  • iloveyou
  • monkey
  • welcome
  • abc123
  • login
  • 123123
  • starwars
  • passw0rd
  • dragon
  • hello
  • master
  • whatever
  • freedom
  • trustno1
  • qazwsx

Hacking Instagram through Saved Passwords

This method will work only if you have a chance for physical access to targets smartphones. So what it is about?

Both iPhone and Android phone users have an option to save accounts passwords inside their phone to avoid typing them every time they want to login somewhere. In case they didn’t protect access to their stored passwords with their face/touch ID, you have a chance to see them! vulnerabilities

For iPhone, go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Website & App Passwords.

For Android users, go to Google Settings > Saved Passwords > click “Google Account” link > Now it will open Google Chrome browser with all saved passwords listed inside. vulnerabilities

To see saved passwords on a desktop browser is much easier than on mobile devices.

On Chrome, in an upper right corner click the three dots icon then Settings > Passwords.

On Mozilla Firefox, It’s the same icon location, click it then go to Logins and Passwords.


Don’t use this information to hack other users’ account under any circumstances. communication organization global

The United States legal system issues severe penalties for online fraud, and breaking into someone else’s Instagram account is precisely that – fraud, and identity theft. In essence, people who steal other users’ account access are copyright thieves that deserve punishment by the law. documents entertainment electronic screen

These technologies offer tremendous values to employers and parents, helping them secure people, assets, and family members. However, it may be tempting to be unethical in your use of the software. Before you decide to install any third-party software on the phones and devices of your family and employees, it’s important to think about the ethical and legal ramifications of your decision.

While it’s your prerogative on whether or not you install the software on your business assets, some employees may object to your actions as snooping on their behavior and an invasion of privacy. It’s essential to receive legal advice on the matter and ensure your employees have no recourse to sue you in the case that you discover any unauthorized communications or data transfer. calls cards cards

Parents can use these apps to keep tabs on their kids, but be careful of the consequences. It’s best to tell them outright that you’re installing these apps on their phone. If they discover you’re covertly spying on them, they may lose respect for you.

C Programming Tutorials – Learn C Programming For Free – Course

 Welcome ! In this course C Programming Complete Tutorial For Beginners Free Download, You’re going to learn a to z c programming for free full course with detailed tutorials, | programming tutorial

C Programming Tutorials – Learn C Programming Free – Free Course – Learn to write embedded software in C and build small, efficient, and fast applications. In this course, you’ll learn how C programming and the Internet of Things combine in embedded applications—software that resides on a device. He addresses the issues associated with this type of programming, ranging from memory, storage, and power limitations to hardware awareness. It explains how different data types can affect the performance of your application and looks at bit manipulation, an area where C shines. learn how to manipulate data at the bit level using a bit mask and bit fields, demonstrating the strengths of both methods using an Arduino controller. Then learn how to use volatile and const variables to ensure data correctness and read-only access, and explore alternatives to traditional functions that can take too long to complete and CPU-intensive floating-point calculations. c programming compiler

Topics include:

  • OS vs. embedded applications
  • Memory, storage, and power issues
  • Data types
  • Bit manipulation
  • Qualifiers
  • Function alternatives
  • Floating-point unit alternatives
  • Using assignment operators
  • Working with arguments in the main function
  • Setting up global variables
  • Using static variables
  • Sorting an array
  • Building an array of structures
  • Working with the ampersand (&) and asterisk (*) pointer operators
  • JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

Course overview:
This course is A to Z on C programming language, c programming course

1. Start learning C programming:

  • in this lesson you can learn needed software installation,
  • How to download and install Code-blocks
  • Download and install visual studio

2. Fundamentals that you always need to know:

  • Here you’re going to learn about, how to print hello world! ,
  • how to input store values in C
  • Arithmetical Operators in C
  • The secret of printf, scanf
  • Logical OR operation and NOT
  • Unary increment and decrement operator

3. Branching, taking course of action on the basis of result of condition:

  • In this lesson you’re going to learn about if-else condition,
  • Make it smart using conditional operator, the only ternar
  • Nested if-else

4. Do it again and again until satisfied, technique for iteration:

  • Here you can learn loops,
  • while loop
  • for loop
  • How to break a loop and continue,

5. Array: the collection:

  • here you can learn about array,
  • 2-D array programming
  • Initialisation of one dimensional array

6. Way to store and manipulate string in C programming:

  • How to input string from keyboard
  • Searching and counting target in string
  • Library function for string operations, string.h

7. Modularise your program using function:

  • Prototype or signature of function, declaring a function.

8. Recursion, how to write recursive functions:

  • The debate continues, when exactly iteration is preferable.

9. Storage class, important conception:

  • static
  • extern
  • register

10. Pointers, tweak with memory locations:

  • Address arithmetic
  • Passing one dimensional array to function
  • The generic pointer is void pointer
  • Array of pointers

11. User defined type in C – structure, union and enum:

  • type-def keyword, creating alias to type
  • pointer to struct object
  • Writing behavior (functions) for struct types

12. Variadic Functions – how to pass variable arguments to a function:

  • How to pass variable arguments to function.
  • Passing variable arguments

13. Command line argument passing:

  • Passing cmd line args in Net-beans

14. File Handling:

  • Reading content of a text file character by character using fgetc().
  • Writing formatted data into text file using fprintf function

15. Bit-wise operators – Learn how to manipulate bits:

  • Bit-wise left-shift operator

16. Some useful C library functions – enhance your ability:

  • Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • Bubble Sort Implementation Using C

17. Additional Learning Function Pointers In C:

  • Learn how to declare a function pointer.

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

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