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Thursday, November 10, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: What chroot taught me about containers

What chroot taught me about containers
495 by mmphosis | 167 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Accidental Google Pixel Lock Screen Bypass

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: My full statement regarding DOOM Eternal

My full statement regarding DOOM Eternal
713 by bangonkeyboard | 213 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Meta lays off 11,000 people

Meta lays off 11,000 people
596 by technics256 | 512 comments on Hacker News.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Binance to acquire FTX

Binance to acquire FTX
562 by jmsflknr | 600 comments on Hacker News.

Monday, November 7, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Monumental (if correct) advance in number theory posted to ArXiv by Yitang Zhang

Monumental (if correct) advance in number theory posted to ArXiv by Yitang Zhang
758 by gavagai691 | 226 comments on Hacker News.
Yitang Zhang, the mathematician behind the 2013 breakthrough on bounded gaps in primes, posted to the arxiv today a result which (if correct) comes close to proving the nonexistence of Landau--Siegel zeros: . To give a sense of the scale of this claim: If correct, Zhang's work is the most significant progress towards the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis in a century. Moreover, I think this result would not only be a more significant advance than Zhang's previous breakthrough, but also constitute a larger leap for number theory than Wiles' 1994 proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (which was, in my opinion, the greatest single achievement by an individual mathematician in the 20th century). Some discussion / explanation of Siegel zeros and Zhang's claim can be found here: An account of Zhang's remarkable story (and his previous breakthrough) can be found here. Famously, prior to his breakthrough, he worked at Subway and lived in his car:

Sunday, November 6, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Comment here about whatever you're passionate about at the moment

Ask HN: Comment here about whatever you're passionate about at the moment
632 by mckirk | 349 comments on Hacker News.
Hello stranger. It has occurred to me that one of the crucial elements of the early internet was the feeling that there was somebody out there, _somewhere_ on the globe, that was actually responding to that particular thing you were putting out there. It was a special feeling, because it was a sense of connection. Just being online and being part of the few select communities that existed back then was a commitment, and I believe that's in part what made it feel special. With all the world gaining access to the internet, I think we've gained a lot, but lost this sense of wonder: Since online interactions have now become commonplace to the point of para-social meaninglessness, any single post or message doesn't really feel all that _real_. HN is still the closest thing I know to that primordial kind of internet, and so I'm putting this post out there. It might get buried instantly, or it might survive, and on the off chance that it does: I encourage you to comment here about whatever you're passionate about at the moment, however niche it might be. It might let you find some likeminded people and maybe recapture a bit of the best aspects of the internet in those early days. In any case, I sincerely wish you a great day, from one surprisingly-real-but-currently-text-based being to another :)

Saturday, November 5, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: A hacker's life is in danger, your awareness may be life saving

Tell HN: A hacker's life is in danger, your awareness may be life saving
609 by michaeltimo | 57 comments on Hacker News.
It's been a month that Jadi (real name: Amir Emad Mirmirani), an Iranian geek, has been imprisoned in Iran's most notorious prison called Evin in Tehran. In Iran, he is one of the most famous people active in the field of programming and computer education. In his personal blog[0], he has been writing about technology and society for years. He has also a YouTube channel[1][2] to teach and encourage Iranians to programming and Linux, and a podcast[3] that has been explaining technology and science news along with his comments for several years. All this in a country with a dictatorial government where standing in the right place has a heavy price. His arrest occurred on October 5, a few days after the recent nationwide protests[4] began in Iran. Arrest at home with beating. The reason for this is not yet clear, but it is probably due to his efforts to increase awareness of the society about Iran's internet censorship system, and his positions against a company called ArvanCloud. Many claim this company help the government of Iran in implementing the internet censorship's system (something like Great Firewall of China). In Jadi's own words, this company has made it possible for the government to turn the Internet into an intranet at any moment and block people's access to international services. Something that happens in every demonstration in Iran including right now. The reason I am writing here is to raise awareness about him, which may lead to his release. All this may be nothing more than a false hope, but it is what I can do. From the news he covered in his podcast, it could be guessed that he is one of the regular readers of Hacker News. Perhaps hearing your support here will boost his morale behind bars in Evin. The prison which is also known as Evin University due to the number of educated political prisoners [5]. [0](Persian) [1](Persian) [2](English) [3](Persian) [4] [5]

Friday, November 4, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: Blip: A tool for seeing your internet latency

New best story on Hacker News: Twitter’s mass layoffs have begun

Twitter’s mass layoffs have begun
653 by matthieu_bl | 1496 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: I fought the PayPal and I won

I fought the PayPal and I won
607 by exolymph | 231 comments on Hacker News.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

New best story on Hacker News: We've filed a lawsuit against GitHub Copilot

We've filed a lawsuit against GitHub Copilot
600 by iworshipfaangs2 | 605 comments on Hacker News.

New best story on Hacker News: Ex-Reddit CEO on Twitter moderation

Ex-Reddit CEO on Twitter moderation
620 by kenferry | 658 comments on Hacker News.